Delivery Information

Order Processing:
All orders are processed and shipped from our warehouse with care and efficiency. Please allow for additional processing time during holidays and peak sales seasons. Orders are processed Monday through Friday, and you can expect your order to be processed within 3-5 business days from the date of purchase. Please note that we do not process or ship orders on weekends.

Estimated Delivery Time:
Once your order is processed, please allow 2-3 business days for it to be prepared and shipped. Delivery times within the United States typically range from 3-7 business days, while international orders may take 15-30 business days for delivery, depending on the destination.

Weekend Shipments:

Please be aware that we do not ship orders on weekends. Orders processed on Fridays will be shipped the following Monday.

Taxes and Customs:
The prices displayed on our site are duty-free in US dollars. However, please be aware that you may be required to pay duties and taxes upon receiving your order. Import taxes, duties, and any related customs fees are determined by your local customs office and are the responsibility of the recipient. These charges will not be covered by us. Be advised that delays caused by customs procedures in your country are beyond our control. For detailed information on charges, we recommend reaching out to your local customs office.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to ensure the timely and secure delivery of your order.